Please pray for them

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Walk for Jesus Action

Jebez cried out to the God of Israel, "O that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me , and keep me from harm and so that we will be free from pain" And God granted his request. 1 Chronicles 4.10.

It is time to claim on God's promise to keep our country from the harm of having 377A repealed and from the pain of our children being corrupted.
It is time to take action and witness for Jesus!
This Sunday 21 October 2007, we will do a prayer walk around the civic area.
  • Walk around St Andrew's Cathedral and pray for the soldiers of Christ
  • Walk around the Singapore River, where our ancestors came to build a new land of hope for their children, and the Repeal of 377A will destroy their dreams.
  • Walk around the CIVIC areas where many large corporations have policies that encourage alternative lifestyles.
  • Walk around SMU and pray for our youths.
  • Walk towards the Parliament House and pray for the members of Parliament.
What to do
  • Start walking around the CIVIC area after church and do prayer walks.
  • It is good if we synchronize at 12.30p.m. to start.
  • Wear all white - the colours of saints - so that we can identify each other.
  • When you see one of us, get in pairs (this is how Jesus sent his disciples out to witness and so we won't go against the laws of the lands about illegal gathering.
  • When you see other pairs, greet them but keep to your group.
  • When you see someone who is against you, tell them lovingly that even though you hate the sin, you love the sinner and offer them God.
  • When you see someone friendly, explain why you are doing this and what damage 377A can do to our country.
  • As you approach the Parliament House, keep in your pairs.
  • If anyone tries to disband you, stay for a while, say a prayer and then move on peaceably.
  • If the police asks for your cooperation, move into the Sanctuary of Saint Andrew's Cathedral and continue praying. The prayer of the faithful availeth much!
You shall march around the city... thus you shall do it for six days... then all the people will shout with a great shout ... and the wall of the city shall fall down flat (Joshua 6:1-5)

Tell your friends about this prayer walk. Refer them to this site.
To encourage each other, leave a name or a pseudonym if you are participating so others can also take heart and be counted!